Seeds, Soil, & Culture Fund

OVERVIEW: The Seeds, Soil, and Culture fund supports smallholder farming organizations helping farmers manage and conserve local seeds and farming knowledge.

IP TAKE: This funder seeks organizations taking holistic approach to agroecology. Unfortunately, it’s not an accessible or approachable funder, likely due to it’s smaller size, but reach out to see how their funding may be evolving.

PROFILE: The Seeds, Soil & Culture Fund operates differently from many charitable organizations. RSF Social Finance manages the fund and the New Field Foundation serves as an advisor. Seeds, Soil and Culture supports “[t]he transformation of local and regional food systems through the power of biodiversity and biocultural heritage.” The fund awards grants to smallholder farmer organizations that “[p]rioritize local farming knowledge,” and “[p]romote local culture.” The fund supports both men and women farmers equally.

Grant for Global Development and Sustainable Agriculture

The Seeds, Soil & Culture fund maintains a low public profile and does not provide information regarding grant amounts. However, it offers a list of past grantees. This list includes Biodiversity International, which received a grant for its research and training program to strengthen capacity for stallholder farmers in Uganda, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Guatemala.

Important Grant Details:

The fund relies on the New Field Foundation to recommend grants. The fund accepts grant proposals by invitation only. Seeds, Soil, and Culture does not accepts unsolicited grant proposals. The fund does not award a large number of grants each year.

For inquiries about the Seeds, Soil, and Culture fund, please contact Jonathon Landeck, Managing Director, via email:


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