Billions Left to Give: The Latest Big Move by Home Depot Co-founder Bernie Marcus

Billions Left to Give: The Latest Big Move by Home Depot Co-founder Bernie Marcus

Worth $4.3 billion, the 88-year-old Marcus has said that he doesn't want to leave his fortune to the kids and believes in giving while living. So where's the money going? Here's one place.

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Funder With a Niche Focus on Spinal Cord Injuries Packs a Surprisingly Big Punch

Funder With a Niche Focus on Spinal Cord Injuries Packs a Surprisingly Big Punch

The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation backs research and other programs related to spinal cord injuries. Neilsen has a laser-like focus, and has become a sizable player in a short time.

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Meet a Philanthropist Keen on Stem Cells

Meet a Philanthropist Keen on Stem Cells

Investor Mike Vranos and his wife Anna-Karin have directed millions to stem cell research at Harvard. We dig into why the Vranoses support this science, and what they've funded.

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Serious Money Flows to a Texas Campus for Brain Research from a Quiet Health Funder

Serious Money Flows to a Texas Campus for Brain Research from a Quiet Health Funder

When a funder we've never heard of makes an eight-figure neuroscience gift to an out-of-the-way university, we can't help wondering what the backstory might be.  

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On the Edge: A Big Give to Back Novel Approaches in Autism Science

On the Edge: A Big Give to Back Novel Approaches in Autism Science

Philanthropy's added value in medical research—a field that attracts tens of billions in public dollars—is backing riskier work that otherwise would go unfunded. Here's a wealthy couple doing exactly that at MIT. 

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This Funder is Giving Big to Move the Needle for Alzheimer’s Research

This Funder is Giving Big to Move the Needle for Alzheimer’s Research

The stakes are high and getting higher when it comes to Alzheimer’s research. Private funders, like the BrightFocus Foundation, play a growing role in supplying grant dollars. 

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China’s Rising Philanthropy Presents the Next Big Brain Science Donor

China’s Rising Philanthropy Presents the Next Big Brain Science Donor

A couple with wealth from a Chinese entertainment and investing business are the latest taking a strong interest in brain science. They've set out to give $1 billion, starting at Caltech.

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The Research Funder Behind a Big Campus Neuroscience Gift in the Midwest

The Research Funder Behind a Big Campus Neuroscience Gift in the Midwest

If your campus isn't hot on the tail of new funding for neuroscience, you're missing out. We take a take a closer look at the foundation behind a big gift in Iowa and why the university landed it.

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The Big (and Still Newish) Foundation Quietly Giving Millions for Biomedical Research

The Big (and Still Newish) Foundation Quietly Giving Millions for Biomedical Research

It's not just the new philanthropists giving big for biomedical research. Among legacy foundations, Helmsley has emerged as a key leader in this area. 

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An Unassuming Funder Bets Big Against Alzheimer’s

An Unassuming Funder Bets Big Against Alzheimer’s

Among the growing array of funders facing up to the profound threat posed by a rise in neurodegenerative diseases are smaller foundations that fly under the radar. 

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Big Money for Edgy Gene Editing Research From an Interesting Source

Big Money for Edgy Gene Editing Research From an Interesting Source

Genetics is a massive topic in research right now, drawing a lot of donor dollars. Now, a powerhouse philanthropy in India has put up millions, with an eye on both the rewards, and risks, of gene editing. 

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