Legacy: The Visionary Philanthropist Who Fueled the Right's Rise in the States

Legacy: The Visionary Philanthropist Who Fueled the Right's Rise in the States
Conservative ideas are now more influential than ever at the state level. No one did more to make that true than the late Thomas Roe, whose foundation remains a key funder in this arena.
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These Conservative Funders Want to Close the "Marriage Gap"

These Conservative Funders Want to Close the "Marriage Gap"
It isn't a surprise that the conservative Philanthropy Roundtable cares about marriage. But its approach might appeal to some liberals, too: Support local nonprofits that work to strengthen low-income families.
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The Money Behind the Conservative Women's Groups Still Fighting the Culture War

The Money Behind the Conservative Women's Groups Still Fighting the Culture War
If you thought the culture war was over, think again. The fight to advance traditional moral values is still going strong, fueled by some serious donor dollars, including to women's groups.
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What the Latest Big Koch Campus Gift Tells Us About the Interests of a Feared Mega-Giver

What the Latest Big Koch Campus Gift Tells Us About the Interests of a Feared Mega-Giver
Charles Koch has said that he wants to cut back on political giving and focus on his true passions, which are ideas and shaping the minds of the next generation. That may mean larger university gifts.
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Move Over, Bernie. This Foundation Wants Millennials to Love the Free Market

Move Over, Bernie. This Foundation Wants Millennials to Love the Free Market
The John Templeton Foundation is well-known for funding philosophical moonshots. Now it wants to make free market ideas more palatable to the younger generation.
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The Forever Grant: Why the Bradley Foundation Keeps Bankrolling Charles Murray

The Forever Grant: Why the Bradley Foundation Keeps Bankrolling Charles Murray
When Murray won a $250,000 prize from the Bradley Foundation last month, it culminated three decades of grant support—a remarkable relationship between a public intellectual and a funder.
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Who's Getting This Conservative Funder's Top Prizes?

Who's Getting This Conservative Funder's Top Prizes?
The Bradley Foundation's fingerprints can be found on nearly every big conservative idea since the 1980s. Its generous Bradley Prize is further proof that funders on the right champion intellectuals.
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School Choice, But Much More: Making Sense of DeVos Family Philanthropy

School Choice, But Much More: Making Sense of DeVos Family Philanthropy
The more we write about the new philanthropy, the more we're struck by the growing role of wealthy family dynasties, with giving stretching across generations. A case in point: the conservative DeVos clan.
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Conservative Intellectuals Love This Foundation. Here's Why

Conservative Intellectuals Love This Foundation. Here's Why
The Searle Freedom Trust is less well known than other top conservative foundations. But it's long been part of the cadre of funders who have patiently nurtured the right's policy wonks and scholars.
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Conservative Policy Wonks: Who Among You Doesn't Love the F.M. Kirby Foundation?

Conservative Policy Wonks: Who Among You Doesn't Love the F.M. Kirby Foundation?
The foundations that have built up the right's policy infrastructure since the 1970s tend to be modest in size, and Kirby is a good example. But they've had huge influence by investing for the long haul.
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Sean Fieler's Philanthropy: The Hedge Funder Who Promotes Conservative Values

Sean Fieler's Philanthropy: The Hedge Funder Who Promotes Conservative Values

We've written before about Fieler and his opposition to the Common Core standards. Well, he's also funding a wide range of efforts aimed at promoting traditional values.

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Who Gives Money to Conservative Think Tanks?

Who Gives Money to Conservative Think Tanks?
If you got rich in the coastal new economy, you're more likely to give to liberal causes. And if you made your fortune building stuff in the heartland? You may well be turned on by the Heritage Foundation.
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How the Hoover Institution Vacuums Up Big Conservative Bucks

How the Hoover Institution Vacuums Up Big Conservative Bucks
For a conservative think tank 3,000 miles from Washington, Hoover does remarkably well on the funding front. In fact, it's one of the best-funded think tanks on the right. We look at who's backing this place.
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Meet the New Best Friend of Conservative Policy Groups: Robert Mercer

Meet the New Best Friend of Conservative Policy Groups: Robert Mercer
Hedge fund leader Robert Mercer isn't just a GOP mega donor; he's one of the top funders of conservative policy work, pumping millions in funds every year to think tanks and legal groups.
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Which Washington Think Tank Do Billionaires Love the Most? And Why?

Which Washington Think Tank Do Billionaires Love the Most? And Why?
Top think tanks have more billionaire backers than ever before, a trend that underscores how the wealthy see these institutions as a key way to shape policy. AEI leads the pack in wooing such donors.
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Farris Wilks: The Pro-Life Fracking Billionaire Bankrolling "Crisis Pregnancy Centers"

Farris Wilks: The Pro-Life Fracking Billionaire Bankrolling "Crisis Pregnancy Centers"
Wilks hit it rich with Texas natural gas. Now, his foundation spends millions annually on anti-abortion efforts, include a network of pseudo-medical clinics working to deter pregnant women from having abortions.
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Look Who's Funding This Top Conservative Women's Group

Look Who's Funding This Top Conservative Women's Group
Conservatives funders have been clever in backing groups that challenge liberal dominance on issues of race and gender. A case in point: the Independent Women's Forum, which wins support from the Kochs.
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Conservative Policy Wonks: Your Favorite Sugar Daddy is Gone, But He Left Big Treats

Conservative Policy Wonks: Your Favorite Sugar Daddy is Gone, But He Left Big Treats
Few donors have had more impact on public policy than Richard Mellon Scaife. And although he recently died, his philanthropic footprint is set to increase. Here's what that means.
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Forget About the Kochs. Meet the Real Masterminds of Conservative Philanthropy

Forget About the Kochs. Meet the Real Masterminds of Conservative Philanthropy

While the Koch brothers have gotten all the attention lately, the Bradley Foundation stands, as always, at the core of conservative philanthropy, and is the more sophisticated operation.  

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Meet the Funders Fighting the Common Core

Meet the Funders Fighting the Common Core

Opponents of the Common Core present themselves as grassroots activists, but their efforts are supported by a range of wealthy conservative activists and foundations.

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