Patrons, Playwrights and More: Five Notable Arts Philanthropies Founded by People of Color

Patrons, Playwrights and More: Five Notable Arts Philanthropies Founded by People of Color

Arts-focused funding vehicles established by people of color account for a small but important and varied segment of a sprawling arts ecosystem. Here are five of them to watch.

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At a Critical Time, This Foundation’s Providing Fresh Support for Muslim Creatives

At a Critical Time, This Foundation’s Providing Fresh Support for Muslim Creatives

The Doris Duke Foundation’s Building Bridges Program has sought to create a more inclusive society since 2007. We connected with director Zeyba Rahman to learn more about how its support for U.S. Muslim creatives is evolving.

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A Year and a Half After Its Founder’s Passing, Robertson’s Green Program Looks Abroad

A Year and a Half After Its Founder’s Passing, Robertson’s Green Program Looks Abroad

Now led by Julian Robertson’s heirs, the foundation has overhauled its environmental strategy to put money directly in the hands of local organizations outside the U.S.

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The Wallace Foundation Invested $52 Million in Audience Engagement. What Did It Learn?

The Wallace Foundation Invested $52 Million in Audience Engagement. What Did It Learn?

Through its five-year Building Audiences for Sustainability initiative, Wallace dug deep into the question of how arts organizations can grow their reach and revenue. A new report offers some key findings.

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A Conversation with Anne Kraybill, New CEO of the Art Bridges Foundation

A Conversation with Anne Kraybill, New CEO of the Art Bridges Foundation

Preeminent arts philanthropist Alice Walton established the Art Bridges Foundation to expand access to American art. New foundation head Anne Kraybill walks us through Art Bridges’ work, how she got there, and more.

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With a New Arts Initiative, Gilbert Family Foundation Expands its Philanthropic Footprint in Detroit

With a New Arts Initiative, Gilbert Family Foundation Expands its Philanthropic Footprint in Detroit

Billionaire Dan Gilbert has an outsized role in his home city of Detroit, including far-reaching philanthropy. A new program focuses on BIPOC artists as part of his foundation’s revitalization efforts.

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How Getty’s Bringing Curators Together After the Disruption of COVID

How Getty’s Bringing Curators Together After the Disruption of COVID

As its seven-year funding initiative for curators of prints and drawings comes to a close, the Getty Foundation is going “all-in” on in-person professional learning and community development.

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A Massive Bequest Powers Participatory Giving: What’s New with the Ruth Foundation for the Arts?

A Massive Bequest Powers Participatory Giving: What’s New with the Ruth Foundation for the Arts?

Backed by $440 million from its late founder in 2022, the Ruth Foundation for the Arts takes a “nonhierarchical” approach that puts funding power into artists’ hands. Two years on, it’s hitting its stride.

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Grand Finale: A Family Foundation Focused on Free Concerts Announces its Spend Down

Grand Finale: A Family Foundation Focused on Free Concerts Announces its Spend Down

The Levitt Foundation has a unique focus on creating music performance spaces as a way to support communities nationwide. The family recently announced it would spend down to boost its impact.

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“This is Just the Beginning.” Digging into Meow Wolf Foundation's Inaugural Round of Grants

“This is Just the Beginning.” Digging into Meow Wolf Foundation's Inaugural Round of Grants

This year, Santa Fe-based arts and entertainment company Meow Wolf launched a new foundation. We get a status report from Executive Director Julie Heinrich on the heels of its first foray into grantmaking.

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Lieutenant Dan: A Close Look at Actor Gary Sinise’s Longstanding Support for Veterans

Lieutenant Dan: A Close Look at Actor Gary Sinise’s Longstanding Support for Veterans

Known in part for his role as platoon leader Lt. Dan Taylor in “Forrest Gump,” the actor has been engaged in veterans-focused giving for decades. We connected with Sinise to get the inside story.

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“A Massive Problem to Solve.” How Can Museums Engage Next-Generation Donors?

“A Massive Problem to Solve.” How Can Museums Engage Next-Generation Donors?

As the largest wealth transfer in history takes place, fundraising trends don’t look so good for the arts. Sector stakeholders are trying to figure out how museums can better cultivate a rising generation of heirs.

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Why This Billionaire Investor Was Moved to Give “Songs of Love” to Sick Kids

Why This Billionaire Investor Was Moved to Give “Songs of Love” to Sick Kids

Songs of Love connects children facing serious health conditions with musicians who compose original songs for them. We talked with Leon Cooperman about why he backs the organization, and his wider philanthropy.

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“You Have to Actually Change.” A Major Theater Funder's Quest to Diversify Its Decision-Making

“You Have to Actually Change.” A Major Theater Funder's Quest to Diversify Its Decision-Making

The New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Theater Project has evolved significantly over the last 10 years. We walk through some key takeaways from a report on its work with program director Quita Sullivan.

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Righting the World: How Five Globally Bestselling Authors Give

Righting the World: How Five Globally Bestselling Authors Give

While writers don’t often make it into the ranks of the very rich, these bestselling authors have engaged in some substantial philanthropy. Their giving varies widely, but they do share some interests in common.

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Art for Social Change: An Arts Funder's Journey to More Fully Embrace Its Social Justice Mission

Art for Social Change: An Arts Funder's Journey to More Fully Embrace Its Social Justice Mission

Philadelphia’s Leeway Foundation supports women, trans and/or gender-nonconforming artists focused on social change. Executive Director Denise Brown walks us through its evolution, key grantmaking programs and more.

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Backed by a Big Fortune, This Foundation Is Supporting Small Rural Communities in the West

Backed by a Big Fortune, This Foundation Is Supporting Small Rural Communities in the West

The foundation of Edward Jaramillo and Amy Wyss, daughter of billionaire donor Hansjörg Wyss, gives in several small communities across the Mountain West. The funder prides itself on accessibility and a fast process.

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Promoting Jewish Culture Through the Arts in Boston and Beyond

Promoting Jewish Culture Through the Arts in Boston and Beyond

Jewish Arts Collaborative is a unique, creative organization sharing Jewish culture in Boston and beyond. The donors and local leaders behind it explain how the effort got off the ground and what makes it so special.

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“The Privilege to Take Risks.” Alberto Ibargüen Reflects on His Tenure at the Knight Foundation

“The Privilege to Take Risks.” Alberto Ibargüen Reflects on His Tenure at the Knight Foundation

After 18 years, Ibargüen announced he would step down as head of this influential media funder. In a wide-ranging conversation, we discuss his career trajectory, philanthropy’s role in society, and much more.

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Six Questions for Lu Zhang, New Executive Director of A Blade of Grass

Six Questions for Lu Zhang, New Executive Director of A Blade of Grass

A Blade of Grass backs artists whose work advances social change. We checked in with new executive director Lu Zhang to discuss her career trajectory, key priorities in her new role and more.

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