Making the Most of Historic Federal Infrastructure Spending: Seven Funder Efforts to Note

Making the Most of Historic Federal Infrastructure Spending: Seven Funder Efforts to Note

These funds and funder collaboratives have mobilized philanthropic dollars over the past two years to leverage a geyser of federal spending. Approaches vary, but backing them are some of the nation’s biggest grantmakers.

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New Climate Pledges Have Drawn in New Philanthropies. Will More Funding Follow?

New Climate Pledges Have Drawn in New Philanthropies. Will More Funding Follow?

Two major climate-related pledges recently featured several names not before seen on such lists — both legacy foundations and the funding vehicles of living billionaires. Are we seeing a new set of climate funders emerge?

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Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

With the launch of BuildUS, another intermediary fund enters an increasingly crowded field of regrantors, in the climate space in particular. We learned more about how this one will work, and the rationale for its creation.

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