What Nonprofit Burnout Looks Like from the Funders’ Point of View

What Nonprofit Burnout Looks Like from the Funders’ Point of View

While limited in scope, the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s June research snapshot on support for grantee staff wellbeing shows a funding sector that doesn’t seem to be putting its money where its knowledge and concern are.

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Have K-12 Funders Stepped Up for Racial Equity and Justice Since 2020? Not According to This Report

Have K-12 Funders Stepped Up for Racial Equity and Justice Since 2020? Not According to This Report

Sobering findings from the Schott Foundation for Public Education show that as 2020 recedes from view, ed philanthropy seems largely uncommitted to carrying on equity and justice funding over the long haul.

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Some Funders Still Think Nonprofits Can’t Handle MacKenzie Scott’s Gifts. Nonprofits Disagree

Some Funders Still Think Nonprofits Can’t Handle MacKenzie Scott’s Gifts. Nonprofits Disagree

A new report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy finds that nonprofits have capably handled MacKenzie Scott’s large and unrestricted gifts. So why are surveyed funding leaders still not sold on her approach?

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A New Report Shows Promising Shifts in Funders’ Practices. Whether It’s Enough Is Still Up for Debate

A New Report Shows Promising Shifts in Funders’ Practices. Whether It’s Enough Is Still Up for Debate

New findings from the Center for Effective Philanthropy show that funders cut reporting requirements and upped general operating support post-2020. It’s encouraging news, but still only represents incremental change.

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MacKenzie Scott Is Proving What We All Knew: Generous, Unrestricted Giving Works

MacKenzie Scott Is Proving What We All Knew: Generous, Unrestricted Giving Works

A report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy looks at how MacKenzie Scott’s gifts have transformed recipient organizations. We look at some of the key strengths and downsides to her approach.

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Summer Reading for Climate Philanthropists (and Other Earth-Based Funders)

Summer Reading for Climate Philanthropists (and Other Earth-Based Funders)

They might not exactly be beach reads, but these five resources on climate philanthropy are worth a look this summer — both for those already focused on climate giving and those just wading in.

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Where Are Foundations on Climate Change? “Much Alarm, Less Action,” Says New Report

Where Are Foundations on Climate Change? “Much Alarm, Less Action,” Says New Report

Foundations are aware and afraid of climate change, but funding is limited and most do not see it as part of their work, according to a new survey of philanthropic leaders.

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