After Pooling Their Money to Take on Corporate Monopoly, Funders See Signs of Progress

After Pooling Their Money to Take on Corporate Monopoly, Funders See Signs of Progress

The Economic Security Project’s Antimonopoly Fund spent three years backing a variety of fronts in the battle against bigness. The movement has notched some wins, but will funders stick with it over the long haul?

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Status Update: How Facebook’s Billionaires Are Changing the World of Philanthropy

Status Update: How Facebook’s Billionaires Are Changing the World of Philanthropy

While many of them are still in their 30s, the winners minted by Facebook have already given away billions and will be engaged in large-scale grantmaking for decades to come. We take stock of one of the biggest stories in philanthropy today—if not ever.

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Anti-Monopoly Money: A Facebook Co-Founder Mobilizes Millions to Battle Bigness

Anti-Monopoly Money: A Facebook Co-Founder Mobilizes Millions to Battle Bigness

Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes has raised $10 million to fight monopolies, including from a number of top foundations. What’s the strategy to challenge not just Big Tech, but concentrated corporate power more broadly?

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Who’s Helping Push the Idea of a Basic Income into the Political Mainstream?

Who’s Helping Push the Idea of a Basic Income into the Political Mainstream?

In under three years, the Economic Security Project has galvanized a surprising level of buy-in for the idea of giving people cash without conditions. We discuss strategy and funding with the organization’s leaders, including Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes.

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