Ten Questions for Saida Agostini-Bostic, President of Funders for LGBTQ Issues

Ten Questions for Saida Agostini-Bostic, President of Funders for LGBTQ Issues

Saida Agostini-Bostic has helmed the funder network since 2021. Here’s what she had to say about the challenges facing LGBTQ funders right now, how to support LGBTQ movements, myths in philanthropy, and more.

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“We Can Still Be Hopeful.” Talking Trans Funding with Funders for LGBTQ Issues’ Alexander Lee

“We Can Still Be Hopeful.” Talking Trans Funding with Funders for LGBTQ Issues’ Alexander Lee

We connected with Funders for LGBTQ Issues Deputy Director Alexander Lee to discuss trans philanthropy, including funders’ response to right-wing attacks and the importance of funding intermediaries.

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Social Service Funders Must Support LGBTQ+ Nonprofits to Advance Their Missions

Social Service Funders Must Support LGBTQ+ Nonprofits to Advance Their Missions

Dawn Wolfe offers three reasons (actually four) why funders backing direct social services need to include and prioritize LGBTQ+ nonprofits in their portfolios, and why failing to do so may perpetuate harm.

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Funders for LGBTQ Issues' Latest Tracking Report: Some Good News, More Not So Good

Funders for LGBTQ Issues' Latest Tracking Report: Some Good News, More Not So Good

While foundations’ LGBTQ funding was still rising as of 2021, it mostly isn’t making it to those in greatest need. That includes Black and trans groups, and those in states where a raft of anti-LGBTQ laws are being passed.

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The Data on Funding for LGBTQ Causes Is Seriously Incomplete. Here’s Why

The Data on Funding for LGBTQ Causes Is Seriously Incomplete. Here’s Why

Claims of underfunding in the LGBTQ space aren’t wrong, but it’s also notoriously difficult to get a read on how much money is being moved and how much is needed. Ultimately, some of this handwringing may be unnecessary.

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How the Gill Foundation Backs the LGBTQ Community in Colorado

How the Gill Foundation Backs the LGBTQ Community in Colorado

The Gill Foundation envisions a world where everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Here are a few things to know about its commitment to Colorado.

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Is Philanthropy Finally Responding to the Crisis of Anti-Transgender Hatred in the U.S.?

Is Philanthropy Finally Responding to the Crisis of Anti-Transgender Hatred in the U.S.?

Trans and gender-nonconforming people are facing a rise in physical and legislative violence. Overall, philanthropy continues to dedicate mere pennies to the problem, but there are some signs of an uptick in funding.

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What New Data Reveals About the Long, Steady Rise of LGBTQ Giving

What New Data Reveals About the Long, Steady Rise of LGBTQ Giving

After the marriage equality victory in 2015, many LGBTQ groups worried that funding would fall. That never happened. Instead, grantmaking for LGBTQ issues marched steadily higher, breaking new records. Here’s a closer look.

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LGBTQ Funders Scramble to Protect Vulnerable Communities

LGBTQ Funders Scramble to Protect Vulnerable Communities

Even before the pandemic, LGBTQ people struggled with poverty, social isolation, and access to healthcare. Now, as this population faces a growing threat, LGBTQ-focused grantmakers are responding.

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Fund the Long Game and Stay Bold: What’s Next for Astraea?

Fund the Long Game and Stay Bold: What’s Next for Astraea?

The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, an innovative global funder of frontline LGBTQI groups for more than 40 years, is undergoing a leadership change. Here’s how it’s both staying the course and adapting in a challenging time.

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We Want to Do Our Part: A Corporate Funder Steps up for Trans Communities

We Want to Do Our Part: A Corporate Funder Steps up for Trans Communities

Transgender communities face inordinate challenges, but receive a small slice of philanthropic funding. With a new grantmaking program that draws on input from the trans community, Gilead Sciences is helping to change that.

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With Transgender Communities Under Attack, Funders Are Stepping Up

With Transgender Communities Under Attack, Funders Are Stepping Up

Funding for transgender causes is on the rise but is still low relative to the challenges these communities face in a hostile political climate. We look at the latest data on grantmaking and check in with leading funders in this space.

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Keeping Up the Momentum: Funding Rises Again for LGBTQ Causes, Especially Down South

Keeping Up the Momentum: Funding Rises Again for LGBTQ Causes, Especially Down South

In 2017, LGBTQ giving rose again and saw significant gains in areas that have historically been under-supported. But the bad news is the small cadre of funders in this space still aren’t able to meet all the needs of LGBTQ communities across the U.S.

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