What's Next for the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation?

What's Next for the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation?

The Microsoft cofounder may have passed away in 2018, but his philanthropic legacy is still very much evolving. Here’s the latest from his family foundation, one of many organizations under the Allen umbrella.

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Three Years After His Death, a Gift from Paul Allen's Estate Is Backing Leading-Edge Cancer Research

Three Years After His Death, a Gift from Paul Allen's Estate Is Backing Leading-Edge Cancer Research

Shortly after his passing, Paul Allen’s estate made a $20 million gift to Swedish Health Services, where Allen received care during his battle with lymphoma. That gift is now funding a promising new approach to cancer treatment.

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Can the Private Sector Save Coral Reefs and Turn a Profit? A New Global Fund Hopes So

Can the Private Sector Save Coral Reefs and Turn a Profit? A New Global Fund Hopes So

Half of reefs have been lost in the last 30 years. Scientists say we could lose 90% of the rest in the next 30 years. A new philanthropic effort launched last month is taking an unusual approach to stopping this unthinkable extinction.

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Inside Vulcan, a New Model for Solving Some of the World’s Biggest Problems

Inside Vulcan, a New Model for Solving Some of the World’s Biggest Problems

Before he died last fall, the billionaire Paul Allen built up a powerful in-house capacity at his company, Vulcan Inc., to tackle urgent issues like wildlife protection and climate change. IP editor David Callahan takes an inside look at its unique strategy for impact.

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Ebola is Still Stalking Africa. Who's Supporting Front-line Work to Stop More Outbreaks?

Ebola is Still Stalking Africa. Who's Supporting Front-line Work to Stop More Outbreaks?

One of the deadliest-ever outbreaks of Ebola happened just seven months ago in eastern Congo, claiming 600 lives. In response, the foundation of the late Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen is making rapid-reaction grants to organizations on the ground.

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