Funder Spotlight: How Alaska’s Rasmuson Foundation Backs Arts, Housing and More

Funder Spotlight: How Alaska’s Rasmuson Foundation Backs Arts, Housing and More

The Rasmuson Foundation supports Alaska-based artists and nonprofits in the areas of health, social services and housing. Here’s what you need to know about the state’s largest private funder.

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How Multiple Generations of the Disney Family Come Together to Fund Social Justice in LA and Beyond

How Multiple Generations of the Disney Family Come Together to Fund Social Justice in LA and Beyond

For the latest in our ongoing series on family philanthropy, we get to know the Roy + Patricia Disney Family Foundation, run by upward of a dozen Disney family members. Board Chair Susan Disney Lord gives us the rundown.

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How to Solve the Giving Pledge Bottleneck—and Fund Large-Scale Solutions

How to Solve the Giving Pledge Bottleneck—and Fund Large-Scale Solutions

The U.S. has enormous unmet needs, while billions already pledged to philanthropy remain unspent. Guest author Sean Davis proposes a solution that would fund for-profit companies to take on large-scale infrastructure projects.

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How Philanthropy Can Ensure the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework’s Success

How Philanthropy Can Ensure the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework’s Success

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill promises sweeping improvements to our water systems, transportation and more. Kresge President Rip Rapson explains why philanthropy has a crucial role to play in delivering on that promise.

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Quiet But Extensive: What New Data on the Ballmers' Anti-Poverty Grantmaking Tells Us

Quiet But Extensive: What New Data on the Ballmers' Anti-Poverty Grantmaking Tells Us

A new grants database offers further insights into the giving of billionaire couple Steve and Connie Ballmer, who have moved hundreds of millions to a wide variety of anti-poverty efforts. But are they still playing it too safe?

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A Three-Year Initiative Sought to Increase Local Giving in Silicon Valley. Here's What It Learned

A Three-Year Initiative Sought to Increase Local Giving in Silicon Valley. Here's What It Learned

Magnify Community was established as an “innovation lab,” designed to spur historically low local giving in Silicon Valley. Having sunset, Magnify is sharing its results, including what worked and what didn’t.

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Funder Spotlight: Flush with a Huge Bequest, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Has Ramped Up Giving

Funder Spotlight: Flush with a Huge Bequest, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Has Ramped Up Giving

Established by the hotel tycoon, the foundation tackles issues like early childhood development and homelessness. A 2019 bequest from its namesake's son more than doubled its endowment to $7.5 billion.

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With Garcetti Leaving, the L.A. Mayor’s Fund Closes a Chapter. What’s It Done, and What’s Next?

With Garcetti Leaving, the L.A. Mayor’s Fund Closes a Chapter. What’s It Done, and What’s Next?

The Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles launched under Eric Garcetti’s tenure, and has been closely linked to his priorities and fundraising efforts. We spoke with the head of the fund about what it’s accomplished and what’s next.

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About Last Year: Livable Streets Donor and Movement Leader Mark Gorton Tells Us What’s New

About Last Year: Livable Streets Donor and Movement Leader Mark Gorton Tells Us What’s New

Based in New York, hedge fund veteran Mark Gorton is big in the livable streets movement as a donor and advocate. We catch up with him on the heels of a year that brought city life outdoors and onto the streets and sidewalks.

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Four Foundations Are Boosting Dozens of Groups Serving Detroit’s Communities of Color

Four Foundations Are Boosting Dozens of Groups Serving Detroit’s Communities of Color

A group of major funders pledged $11 million to support groups led by and serving BIPOC communities in Detroit. We take a closer look at this latest example of philanthropy’s heightened focus on backing communities of color.

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A Detroit Charity Fighting Homelessness Gets a Big Grant From a Surprising Source

A Detroit Charity Fighting Homelessness Gets a Big Grant From a Surprising Source

A Catholic charity fighting homelessness in Detroit received a $7 million grant from a family foundation based in California and Hawaii. It’s an interesting example of a small family funder reaching beyond its immediate sphere.

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To Advance Community Self-Determination, Funders May Need to Leave Their Comfort Zones

To Advance Community Self-Determination, Funders May Need to Leave Their Comfort Zones

The East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative puts property ownership in the hands of community members. It’s an innovative model, but runs up against the limits of what most 501(c)(3) funders support. Can that change?

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How a Data-Driven Push to End Homelessness Landed MacArthur’s $100 Million Prize

How a Data-Driven Push to End Homelessness Landed MacArthur’s $100 Million Prize

After two years, we have a winner in the second round of MacArthur’s $100 million grant competition. Taking home the prize is Community Solutions and its public-health-inspired approach to functionally ending homelessness.

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How a Partnership Brought Together Work on Energy Efficiency and Affordable Housing

How a Partnership Brought Together Work on Energy Efficiency and Affordable Housing

Improving energy efficiency in low-income housing offers much-needed savings and emissions reductions, but there’s often little incentive for building owners. A partnership formed to close the gap is going strong after eight years.

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A Half-Billion from Detroit’s “Shadow Mayor” Latest Sign of Donors’ Power in Cities

A Half-Billion from Detroit’s “Shadow Mayor” Latest Sign of Donors’ Power in Cities

Dan Gilbert’s recent pledge to donate $500 million to Detroit, where he has an outsized role as owner, taxpayer, investor and philanthropist, offers an extreme example of billionaire donors’ growing role in American cities.

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How Housing and Homelessness Fundraisers Are Faring in Difficult Times

How Housing and Homelessness Fundraisers Are Faring in Difficult Times

Organizations working in housing and homelessness have faced tough challenges over the past year. We check in with several groups to learn how they’ve adjusted and to better understand this unique fundraising space.

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Hallowed Land: The World’s Richest Episcopal Church Gets Serious About Giving

Hallowed Land: The World’s Richest Episcopal Church Gets Serious About Giving

Trinity Church Wall Street in Lower Manhattan has amassed billions in real estate wealth. We talk to leadership about the church’s unique philanthropy, including social justice work and real estate development for cash-strapped institutions.

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Foundations Are Making an Epic Push to Tackle Housing Affordability in the Bay Area

Foundations Are Making an Epic Push to Tackle Housing Affordability in the Bay Area

No issue is more vexing to Californians than the sky-high cost of housing. But this is daunting terrain for grantmakers, given the massive costs involved. A group of funders is backing what may be philanthropy's biggest effort ever in this arena.

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How a Bank’s New Foundation is Backing Work to Revitalize Marginalized Neighborhoods

How a Bank’s New Foundation is Backing Work to Revitalize Marginalized Neighborhoods

The Truist Foundation’s first year of funding was met by a pandemic and a rising racial justice movement. A grant to Purpose Built Communities shows how a bank’s philanthropic arm seeks to advance equity and economic mobility.

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"Where People Live Matters." Housing Funders Seek Systemic Change as Crises Mount

"Where People Live Matters." Housing Funders Seek Systemic Change as Crises Mount

Already staring down an affordability crisis before COVID-19, housing funders now face a looming eviction crisis. At the same time, the field is evolving fast, as new vehicles for collaboration pop up and racial justice critiques take center stage.

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