Flipping the Script: A Wealthy West Coast Transplant Sends an Arts Mega-Gift Back East

Flipping the Script: A Wealthy West Coast Transplant Sends an Arts Mega-Gift Back East

Don't believe the rap that mega-donors now see L.A. as the innovative arts mecca and New York as the calcified city of yesteryear. A major gift to The Shed—by a billionaire Angeleno, no less—suggests otherwise. 

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The Kids Will Come: More Insights About How Arts Groups Can Engage Millennials

The Kids Will Come: More Insights About How Arts Groups Can Engage Millennials

The Wallace Foundation's latest Building Audiences for Sustainability Story looks at a theater troupe's successful efforts to attract younger attendees by tapping into the power of market research.

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Deep Ties: A Wealthy Couple and a Cultural Center Remain Close Through the Years

Deep Ties: A Wealthy Couple and a Cultural Center Remain Close Through the Years

What does it look like when a big-city cultural institution and a donor stay in sync for decades? The relationship between Henry and Elaine Kaufman and the Kaufman Music Center serves as a good case study.  

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Carrying the Torch: Meet the Midwest Patron Celebrating the Great American Songbook

Carrying the Torch: Meet the Midwest Patron Celebrating the Great American Songbook

The Great American Songbook Foundation may have a new home thanks to an estate donation valued at more than $30 million from Bren Simon of the Mel and Bren Simon Foundation.


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Virtuous Cycle: An Orchestra's Bet on Engagement Helps Bring in Big Funding

Virtuous Cycle: An Orchestra's Bet on Engagement  Helps Bring in Big Funding

Donors have found a lot to like about the Detroit Symphony Orchestra's innovative engagement initiatives, along with other steps the ensemble has taken to put itself on a path to sustainability. 

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Getting to Know Them: How Market Research Can Boost Audience Engagement

Getting to Know Them: How Market Research Can Boost Audience Engagement

A new case study from the Wallace Foundation shows how the Seattle Symphony leveraged market research to effectively engage the city's burgeoning class of "new urban cultural consumers."

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"Look at the Big Picture." A Campus Gift Merges Music Education and Social Activism

"Look at the Big Picture." A Campus Gift Merges Music Education and Social Activism

Higher ed has been relatively immune from the kind of socially driven arts philanthropy currently permeating the curatorial and performing arts spaces. Here's a sign that this is changing.  


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End of an Era: With Corporate Donors In Retreat, Arts Organizations Ask, “Now What?”

End of an Era: With Corporate Donors In Retreat, Arts Organizations Ask, “Now What?”

Funding trends in Wilmington, Delaware, provide a sobering reminder to arts organizations everywhere: It's not just government funders that are in retreat.


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Big Gifts, Big Problems: Takeaways From Capital Project Hell at Lincoln Center

Big Gifts, Big Problems: Takeaways From Capital Project Hell at Lincoln Center

Another scrapped renovation project—after the usual cost overruns and recriminations—may cause mega-donors to think twice before supporting risky capital expenditures. Then again, maybe not. 

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More Than An Organ: A Savvy Approach to Boost Highbrow Arts Engagement

More Than An Organ: A Savvy Approach to Boost Highbrow Arts Engagement

News out of Philadelphia suggests that when "highbrow" performing arts groups tap into unique local assets to boost audience engagement, funders respond.

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Freedom to Stretch Out: Checking In On the Herb Alpert Foundation

Freedom to Stretch Out: Checking In On the Herb Alpert Foundation

The foundation's support for a high school arts training program is another example of this freewheeling yet strategic funder venturing into areas where other funders are scarce.

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Compton's Own: A Rapper Gives Big For Performing Arts

Compton's Own: A Rapper Gives Big For Performing Arts

While Dr. Dre's sale of Beats to Apple didn't quite make him a billionaire, the hip hop mogul netted plenty of cash. We take a look at Dre's emerging philanthropy, including a recent performing arts gift.

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Timely Help: The Foundation Providing Instruments for Music Education

Timely Help: The Foundation Providing Instruments for Music Education

It's a scary time for music education organizations, so we figured some good new would be appreciated. We check in with a foundation that provides donated instruments to support music education programs.

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Paul Allen Unveils a Music Festival and Seattle Shrugs. What's the Lesson Here?

Paul Allen Unveils a Music Festival and Seattle Shrugs. What's the Lesson Here?

Pushback to Paul Allen's planned music festival suggests that while maverick mega-donors don't face conventional checks on their giving, they nonetheless have to answer to critics. 

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From Mahler to the Masses: Can Funders Help Orchestras Navigate an Uncertain Future?

From Mahler to the Masses: Can Funders Help Orchestras Navigate an Uncertain Future?

Faced with dwindling subscribers, changing demographics and potential labor unrest, music ensembles need more help than ever. We look at who's stepping up and how. 

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Behind a Campus Gift Helping to Transform an Industrial City into a Music Mecca

Behind a Campus Gift Helping to Transform an Industrial City into a Music Mecca

With arts patrons increasingly giving to areas not based on either coast, regions like the Rust Belt are positioning themselves as vibrant and viable arts destinations. For proof, we turn to the Iron City.

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Renewed Urgency: A Foundation Steps Up it Music Education Awareness Efforts

Renewed Urgency: A Foundation Steps Up it Music Education Awareness Efforts


With music programs again facing cuts, we figured it was a good time to check in on VH1's Save the Music Foundation's digital and classroom-based efforts promoting music education.

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Multiregional: A Hollywood Producer’s Philanthropy Focuses on Several Cities

Hollywood TV producer Thomas C. Werner's philanthropy not only involves Boston and Los Angeles, but several other cities in the U.S. We take a look at this family's multiregional giving.

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A Foundation Goes All-In On Classical Music Education for Underrepresented Communities

A Foundation Goes All-In On Classical Music Education for Underrepresented Communities

Funders haven't given up on classical music, or striving for more diversity in the ranks of classical musicians. We look at a $2.5 million grant to a consortium serving students across Greater Philadelphia.

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Change Is Bad: When Leaders Flee Big and Stressful Capital Projects

Change Is Bad: When Leaders Flee Big and Stressful Capital Projects

Multi-million-dollar capital campaigns are fraught with risk even under the best of circumstances. So what happens when an organization's leader walks away mid-project? 

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