Melinda French Gates Charts a Course for a “New Chapter.” Here Are Some Takeaways

Melinda French Gates Charts a Course for a “New Chapter.” Here Are Some Takeaways

As she departs from the Gates Foundation, Melinda French Gates is quickly ramping things up with a multifaceted, $1 billion commitment focused on women’s rights. What does this all tell us about how her giving might evolve?

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How a Global Participatory Grantmaking Experiment in Seed Funding Took Shape

How a Global Participatory Grantmaking Experiment in Seed Funding Took Shape

The Imago Dei Fund’s new Gender Equity Seed Fund has relied on a co-creation committee of participatory grantmakers to shape its work. Susan Barnett tells us how it all came together and what the process was like.

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How Grassroots International Is Funding in Gaza and Haiti Amid Devastating Violence

How Grassroots International Is Funding in Gaza and Haiti Amid Devastating Violence

Grassroots International backs global movements for justice, with two of its longest-running programs in Palestine and Haiti. Organization leaders discuss the situations on the ground in both places and how funders can respond.

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How Do Grantmakers Get Started On Climate? Here’s How One Human Rights Funder Began

How Do Grantmakers Get Started On Climate? Here’s How One Human Rights Funder Began

Humanity United isn’t a climate funder, but it is coming to recognize just how interconnected climate issues are with its global human rights work. It’s one among many grantmakers reckoning with realities that impact every field.

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Unlocking Girls’ Leadership Starts with Asking the Right Questions

Unlocking Girls’ Leadership Starts with Asking the Right Questions

Guest author Jayanthi A. Pushkaran shares how EMpower–The Emerging Markets Foundation has developed a participatory funding model in India that empowers girls as experts on their own lives.

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Who Is Binaifer Nowrojee, the New President of Open Society Foundations?

Who Is Binaifer Nowrojee, the New President of Open Society Foundations?

OSF announced this week that a human rights lawyer and advocate, and longtime staffer at the massive grantmaker, will take over as president. Here’s what you need to know about Binaifer Nowrojee.

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After More Than $1 Billion in Funding, MacArthur’s Big Bets Are Winding Down. What Happens Now?

After More Than $1 Billion in Funding, MacArthur’s Big Bets Are Winding Down. What Happens Now?

Over the next few years, the MacArthur Foundation is bringing to a close four “Big Bets” on issues ranging from criminal justice to climate change. What impact did these programs have? And how will the shift affect grantees?

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With "A Little Courage," Ipas Is Shifting Money to the Front Lines of Abortion and Contraceptive Access

With "A Little Courage," Ipas Is Shifting Money to the Front Lines of Abortion and Contraceptive Access

By redirecting money from its own operating expenses, the international reproductive justice organization has been able to double the number of grantees receiving support through its Ipas Collaborative Fund.

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With Housing a Growing Global Concern, Habitat for Humanity Targets Informal Settlements

With Housing a Growing Global Concern, Habitat for Humanity Targets Informal Settlements

Housing has become a huge philanthropic priority, globally and domestically, and one of the largest charities in the space is Habitat for Humanity. We take a look at its latest global program targeting slums, barrios and favelas.

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With $500 Million Committed So Far, Howard Buffett Stays the Course in Ukraine

With $500 Million Committed So Far, Howard Buffett Stays the Course in Ukraine

When we last spoke with the mega-donor, his foundation had moved nearly $150 million to the Ukraine recovery effort. He’s now committed more than a half-billion, demonstrating a unique level of commitment and flexibility.

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Ford Launches Global Network to Help Social Justice Groups Manage Risks and Rewards of Tech

Ford Launches Global Network to Help Social Justice Groups Manage Risks and Rewards of Tech

Front-line organizations in the Global South face unique threats and challenges when it comes to digital technology. With $15 million in seed funding from Ford, the Digital Resilience Network will provide technical support.

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How Philanthropy is Responding to the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis So Far

How Philanthropy is Responding to the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis So Far

As devastating casualties mount in Israel and Gaza, a number of foundations, major donors, corporations and pooled fundraising efforts are channeling support to the region. Here’s an overview of the funding response to date.

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A Grassroots Legal Empowerment Organization Attracts Global Climate Justice Dollars

A Grassroots Legal Empowerment Organization Attracts Global Climate Justice Dollars

Namati trains paralegals who can work as grassroots climate justice and land rights advocates in their own communities. It’s an approach that has garnered attention from big names in philanthropy.

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Here Are Some of the Funders Working to End Modern Slavery Around the Globe

Here Are Some of the Funders Working to End Modern Slavery Around the Globe

Although some may think of slavery as a thing of the past, close to 50 million people are enslaved today. These philanthropic funders are backing work toward truly putting slavery behind us.

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How a Dutch Princess Is Leading a Global Fight to End Child Marriage

How a Dutch Princess Is Leading a Global Fight to End Child Marriage

Mabel van Oranje, a princess of the Netherlands, has emerged as a leader in the fight to end child marriage. We spoke with her about the groups she’s launched and how they’re channeling funds toward work on the ground.

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More Cuts at Open Society Foundations: Nearly Half of Staff to Depart, Offices Close

More Cuts at Open Society Foundations: Nearly Half of Staff to Depart, Offices Close

OSF plans to let go of 40% of staff as it reaches a new stage in its longtime bid to bring focus to its legendarily complex operations. Critics point to a consolidation of power amid low morale and a shrinking global footprint.

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Beyond Borders: A Regional Look at MacKenzie Scott’s Global Giving

Beyond Borders: A Regional Look at MacKenzie Scott’s Global Giving

Though most of Scott’s giving so far has taken place in the U.S., her global philanthropy is also expansive. Three regions in particular have received lots of attention: Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and South Asia.

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Inside This Abortion Care Backer’s Move to an “Anti-Colonialist” Decision-Making Model

Inside This Abortion Care Backer’s Move to an “Anti-Colonialist” Decision-Making Model

As it seeks to expand abortion and contraception access, Ipas is making major changes to its organizational model, in part to bolster a global abortion ecosystem it sees as limited by top-down funding.

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In a World Beset by Conflict, Could Better Ways to Measure Peace Change the Funding Equation?

In a World Beset by Conflict, Could Better Ways to Measure Peace Change the Funding Equation?

Despite the need for peacebuilding dollars, U.S. philanthropies’ support for that work suffers from a lack of viable metrics. Search for Common Ground is tackling a complex task: how to better measure peace.

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A Top Science Funder Wants to Keep Ukraine's Scientists at the Blackboard

A Top Science Funder Wants to Keep Ukraine's Scientists at the Blackboard

The war in Ukraine offers scope for funders to draw on their strengths to assist the embattled nation. For the Simons Foundation, that means helping Ukraine's physicists, biologists and other scientists continue their work.

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