Jim Simons Gave Billions for Basic Science in an Era of Short-Term Thinking

Jim Simons Gave Billions for Basic Science in an Era of Short-Term Thinking

The mathematician-turned-hedge fund mogul was a pivotal figure in science giving, backing long-term breakthroughs along with his wife Marilyn. Through his children, he also started a multifaceted philanthropic dynasty.

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Philanthropy Contributes to “Wealth Stratification” in Higher Ed. Can it Help Close the Gap?

Philanthropy Contributes to “Wealth Stratification” in Higher Ed. Can it Help Close the Gap?

The wealth gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” in higher ed continues to grow at an alarming rate. A new book looks at how how trustees at wealthy schools — and their alumni — can reverse the trend.

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Jim and Marilyn Simons Just Doubled a Public University's Endowment. More Mega Gifts to Come?

Jim and Marilyn Simons Just Doubled a Public University's Endowment. More Mega Gifts to Come?

The megadonor couple just committed $500 million to Stony Brook University in New York. Is this a sign of more huge gifts down the road? And can other states learn from New York’s higher ed endowment matching program?

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Universities Get Big Bucks, Climate Does Not. But Recent Gifts Show Growing Crossover

Universities Get Big Bucks, Climate Does Not. But Recent Gifts Show Growing Crossover

Does a series of recent awards for climate-related university projects suggest a promising fundraising trend amid a planetary crisis, or is this just a case of more of the same?

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A Top Science Funder Wants to Keep Ukraine's Scientists at the Blackboard

A Top Science Funder Wants to Keep Ukraine's Scientists at the Blackboard

The war in Ukraine offers scope for funders to draw on their strengths to assist the embattled nation. For the Simons Foundation, that means helping Ukraine's physicists, biologists and other scientists continue their work.

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Scientists Say a New Quantum Revolution Is Underway. Who's Funding It?

Scientists Say a New Quantum Revolution Is Underway. Who's Funding It?

Arcane though it may seem, quantum physics has been — and will be — central to our understanding of the universe and to technologies that shape our lives. Here’s how some leading philanthropies are backing research in the field.

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Renaissance Philanthropy: The Many Major Donors to Emerge From a Single Hedge Fund

Renaissance Philanthropy: The Many Major Donors to Emerge From a Single Hedge Fund

Renaissance Technologies is one of the most successful hedge funds in Wall Street history, yielding one of philanthropy’s most prolific clans. Including the Simonses, well over a dozen donors draw from Renaissance wealth.

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The Simons Foundation Has a New President for the First Time in Its History. Where’s It Headed Next?

The Simons Foundation Has a New President for the First Time in Its History. Where’s It Headed Next?

Since its launch in 1994, science funding powerhouse the Simons Foundation has been led by founders Jim and Marilyn Simons—until now. We spoke with its new president, astrophysicist David Spergel, to find out what lies ahead.

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Future of Big Philanthropy: 15 Heirs of Top Mega-Givers to Watch Closely

Future of Big Philanthropy: 15 Heirs of Top Mega-Givers to Watch Closely

The children of America’s richest people won’t just control vast fortunes in the future. Some are already top givers themselves or have moved into leadership positions within leading family foundations.

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Why are These Science Funders Interested in Something That Happened Two Billion Years Ago?

Why are These Science Funders Interested in Something That Happened Two Billion Years Ago?

Two funders that focus on basic science are set to delve into life's distant evolutionary past. In the process, they may also shed light on ecological, biological and health issues that are increasingly pressing today.

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Dept. of Big Questions: Millions in Grants Flow to Research the Origins of Life

Dept. of Big Questions: Millions in Grants Flow to Research the Origins of Life

How life springs up from chemical soup is one of the biggest mysteries in science. The Templeton Foundation is one of a couple of funders backing exciting work springing up in related disciplines.

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Vast Wealth, Hidden Foundations: How Much Do We Really Know About Billionaire Donors?

Vast Wealth, Hidden Foundations: How Much Do We Really Know About Billionaire Donors?

News last fall of a hidden $8 billion foundation based offshore in Bermuda underscores just how opaque the world of big philanthropy really is. In a post first published in November, we explore what other surprises might be coming.

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Calculated Giving: With Federal Funds Shrinking, Math Sciences Funders Step Up

Calculated Giving: With Federal Funds Shrinking, Math Sciences Funders Step Up

These are dark days for math researchers who depend on government funds. So it's a good thing that "quant" philanthropists have been writing some very big checks, lately. 

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"You Get Ideas." Inside a Top Science Foundation's Most Ambitious Project Yet

"You Get Ideas." Inside a Top Science Foundation's Most Ambitious Project Yet

We talk to mathematician-turned-hedge fund billionaire Jim Simons and foundation head Marilyn Simons about their big bet on a unique new research institute in Manhattan.

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