“We Are No Longer Waiting for a Funder to Save Us.” A Look at the Latino Community Foundation

“We Are No Longer Waiting for a Funder to Save Us.” A Look at the Latino Community Foundation

Latino nonprofits have historically been underfunded by philanthropy. LCF is working to change that by mobilizing a network of Latino philanthropists and directing grants to neglected organizations.

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DACA Win Should Embolden Philanthropy to Double Down on Support for Migrant Justice

DACA Win Should Embolden Philanthropy to Double Down on Support for Migrant Justice

The Supreme Court ruling on DACA was a victory, but the fight is far from over. NCRP’s Ben Barge argues that after years of insufficient, inconsistent funding, philanthropy must stand with immigrants and refugees when the courts won’t.

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“Now More Than Ever.” A Foundation’s Leaders Reflect on 20 Years of Philanthropy

“Now More Than Ever.” A Foundation’s Leaders Reflect on 20 Years of Philanthropy

While the political climate has shifted dramatically in the past two decades, the Vilcek Foundation's commitment to recognizing immigrants' contributions hasn't wavered. What lessons has this grantmaker learned? And what’s next?

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For Immigrant Funders, Today's Priority Is Direct Relief. What About Tomorrow?

For Immigrant Funders, Today's Priority Is Direct Relief. What About Tomorrow?

Gaps in federal and state COVID-19 relief have funders scrambling to shore up vulnerable communities. Immigrants are among the hardest-hit. Will groundbreaking new collaborations to fund direct relief fuel longer-term change?

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The Hardest Hit: Who is Supporting Communities of Color During COVID-19?

The Hardest Hit: Who is Supporting Communities of Color During COVID-19?

As the coronavirus crisis spotlights and amplifies deep inequities in U.S. society, a growing number of emergency philanthropic funds have sprung up to provide targeted help for people of color.

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High-Touch: How a Progressive Intermediary is Evolving With the Times

High-Touch: How a Progressive Intermediary is Evolving With the Times

Back in the 1990s, the Proteus Fund helped pioneer a collaborative funding model that’s become vital to progressive movement building. Now, as its grantmaking hits record highs, Proteus is thinking about its next moves in a volatile era.

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A Leader in Global Education Aims to Do More, With a Focus on the Most Marginalized

A Leader in Global Education Aims to Do More, With a Focus on the Most Marginalized

The Western Union Foundation has long focused its international grantmaking on education. Now, it’s launching a new program to help people who’ve been forcibly displaced get a fair shot at integrating into the global economy. 

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To Combat “Brain Waste,” a New Fund Aims to Tap the Potential of Immigrant Workers

To Combat “Brain Waste,” a New Fund Aims to Tap the Potential of Immigrant Workers

Conversations about the workforce “skills gap” often skip over the fact that millions of educated immigrants are un- or underemployed. A new grantmaker is supporting efforts to get them on track to fill open roles. Where’s the money going?

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"I Can Certainly Relate." The Personal Forces Behind a Cuban-Born Businessman's Giving

"I Can Certainly Relate." The Personal Forces Behind a Cuban-Born Businessman's Giving

Mike Fernandez is another top Republican turned off by Trump and the GOP’s rising xenophobia. Through his philanthropy, he’s been supporting immigrants under pressure in Florida. He‘s also deeply committed to education.

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These Collaborative Funds Listen to Groups on the Ground in Backing a Justice Agenda

These Collaborative Funds Listen to Groups on the Ground in Backing a Justice Agenda

At Borealis Philanthropy, taking cues from movement leaders is paramount. Its new fund to back justice reform organizers just awarded its first grants, and it’s renewing the call for applications for its immigration litigation fund.

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A Foundation Takes a Grassroots Approach to the Growing Border Crisis

A Foundation Takes a Grassroots Approach to the Growing Border Crisis

The Marguerite Casey Foundation has been paying attention to immigration issues at the border for years, starting long before the 2016 election. We talk to its CEO about what it's doing now and philanthropy’s role in this urgent area.

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How Has This Public-Private Effort to Defend L.A.’s Immigrants Shaped Up?

How Has This Public-Private Effort to Defend L.A.’s Immigrants Shaped Up?

With a mission to help nonprofits extend free legal aid to immigrants, the L.A. Justice Fund launched in 2017 with support from both philanthropy and government. Two years on, it’s built up crucial infrastructure. But the scale of need remains vast.

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From Talk to Action: Behind a Call for Funders to Back Social Movements

From Talk to Action: Behind a Call for Funders to Back Social Movements

The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy has been a consistent advocate for movement-friendly grantmaking. In a new initiative, it’s examining how funders are (or aren’t) supporting social movements today—and how they could do better.

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“Create Momentum for Change.” A Soros-Backed Arts Fellowship Focuses on Migration

“Create Momentum for Change.” A Soros-Backed Arts Fellowship Focuses on Migration

The Open Society Foundations launched its Soros Arts Fellowships last year to support the work of artists in repressive regimes. This year’s fellowship builds on this approach by focusing on an issue that’s deeply personal for OSF’s founder.

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With an Eye on History, a Couple Gives to Organize and Train Reform Jews to Stand Up for Immigrants

With an Eye on History, a Couple Gives to Organize and Train Reform Jews to Stand Up for Immigrants

Jews know what it is to be immigrants and refugees, chased out of countries over many centuries. So it’s not surprising that some Jewish philanthropists—like Jill and Peter Kraus—are giving to push back against the Trump administration’s policies.

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Out of the Shadows: What Philanthropy is Doing to Support Sex Worker Movements Around the World

Out of the Shadows: What Philanthropy is Doing to Support Sex Worker Movements Around the World

While sex work or trafficking occasionally make headlines, sex workers and their rights have been largely ignored by the public and by philanthropy. But new funding movements, giving circles, and collaboratives are seeking to change that.

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The Private Money Shaping Public Conversation About Restricting Immigration

The Private Money Shaping Public Conversation About Restricting Immigration

For years, the organizations that pushed for tougher immigration restrictions operated on the fringes of policy debates. Now, with a powerful friend in the White House, they are enjoying new influence. We take a deep dive into their sources of funding.

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Universal Representation: Behind a Public-Private Partnership Effort to Defend Immigrants

Universal Representation: Behind a Public-Private Partnership Effort to Defend Immigrants

Providing vulnerable immigrants with legal representation dramatically decreases their chances of deportation. With the support of top funders, the Vera Institute’s Safety and Fairness for Everyone Network cultivates local jurisdictions to make that a reality in more places.

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Strength in Numbers: Behind a Fundraising Push for Immigrant Rights

Strength in Numbers: Behind a Fundraising Push for Immigrant Rights

With crowdfunding campaigns bringing in more cash for a range of causes, eight California charities working on behalf of immigrants have formed a new fundraising coalition that will debut on Giving Tuesday.

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Undocumented on Campus: California Funders Come Together for Immigrant Students

Undocumented on Campus: California Funders Come Together for Immigrant Students

Undocumented students often face all the same challenges as other first-generation kids on campus. But they also live in growing fear. A group of California foundations is stepping forward to support them.

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