This Research Funding Giant Is Spending $1.5 Billion to Diversify Academic Science

This Research Funding Giant Is Spending $1.5 Billion to Diversify Academic Science

As part of an even larger diversity initiative, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute will extend long-term support to scientists from underrepresented backgrounds during the tough early years of their academic careers.

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Scientists Say a New Quantum Revolution Is Underway. Who's Funding It?

Scientists Say a New Quantum Revolution Is Underway. Who's Funding It?

Arcane though it may seem, quantum physics has been — and will be — central to our understanding of the universe and to technologies that shape our lives. Here’s how some leading philanthropies are backing research in the field.

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A Big Research Gift Shows How One Family Foundation Balances Tradition and Innovation

A Big Research Gift Shows How One Family Foundation Balances Tradition and Innovation

The 76-year-old Gates Family Foundation serves the state of Colorado using a leadership structure that blends community governance with family interests. The latest example is a $100 million medical research gift.

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With Cancer in the Crosshairs, a Health Funder Digs Deep to Back Basic Science

With Cancer in the Crosshairs, a Health Funder Digs Deep to Back Basic Science

The $1.5 billion Starr Foundation likes to give out big-ticket grants to create and support new medical research centers. Its latest establishes a new basic research program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

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Is Smartphone Use Taking a Toll on Kids? This New Family Foundation Wants to Find Out

Is Smartphone Use Taking a Toll on Kids? This New Family Foundation Wants to Find Out

Are smartphones and social media contributing to the youth mental health crisis? The Winston Family Foundation’s new center at UNC-Chapel Hill is conducting research on the poorly understood impacts of technology use.

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Risk Capital in Action: A Deep Dive into Eric and Wendy Schmidt’s Giving

Risk Capital in Action: A Deep Dive into Eric and Wendy Schmidt’s Giving

In recent years, Eric Schmidt and Wendy Schmidt have ramped up giving in areas ranging from cutting-edge scientific research to developing young leaders. We unpack their many giving vehicles and philanthropic initiatives.

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Which Russian Oligarchs Have Been Major Donors in the United States?

Which Russian Oligarchs Have Been Major Donors in the United States?

The invasion of Ukraine has led to growing pressure from the international community on many fronts, including scrutiny of Russian billionaires who donate to Western institutions. Here’s a list of donors facing backlash.

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Is Elon Musk Finally Getting Serious About Philanthropy? If So, Here’s What It Might Look Like

Is Elon Musk Finally Getting Serious About Philanthropy? If So, Here’s What It Might Look Like

Elon Musk donated $5.7 billion last year, leaving no indication of where it went. Rather than guess, we thought we’d pose a more interesting question—what would it look like if Musk actually became a good philanthropist?

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A Universal Flu Vaccine Could Save Millions of Lives. Private and Public Funders Hope to Make it a Reality

A Universal Flu Vaccine Could Save Millions of Lives. Private and Public Funders Hope to Make it a Reality

A universal flu vaccine could be a game-changer for global health and prevent future catastrophic pandemics. Several private funders are teaming up with government agencies to accelerate progress.

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Why One of the Largest Health Funders Launched a Spinoff Research Organization to Speed Innovation

Why One of the Largest Health Funders Launched a Spinoff Research Organization to Speed Innovation

Wellcome Trust granted $335 million in new funding for its separate research spinoff, Wellcome Leap, to disrupt health research and speed breakthroughs. Leap’s CEO explains why this approach was taken and how it works.

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Funder Spotlight: How the Beckman Foundation Gives an Early-Career Assist to Young Scientists

Funder Spotlight: How the Beckman Foundation Gives an Early-Career Assist to Young Scientists

For our latest Funder Spotlight, we take a closer look at the Beckman Foundation, whose mission is to ensure that students and early-career scientists make it through the tough early years of academia.

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A New, Patent-Free Vaccine May Help End the Pandemic. Philanthropy Made It Possible

A New, Patent-Free Vaccine May Help End the Pandemic. Philanthropy Made It Possible

A handful of funders heard that researchers in Texas needed money to finish developing a low-cost COVID vaccine. Now, it's poised for mass distribution in India and other under-vaccinated countries worldwide.

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Scientists and Laypeople Speak Different Languages. This Funder Wants to Bridge the Gap

Scientists and Laypeople Speak Different Languages. This Funder Wants to Bridge the Gap

The Kavli Foundation, a notable funder of scientific research, has announced a new program to bridge the communications divide between scientists and the public. It’ll be a tall order.

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Who’s Backing an Effort to Ease the Career Versus Caregiving Conflict for Biomedical Researchers?

Who’s Backing an Effort to Ease the Career Versus Caregiving Conflict for Biomedical Researchers?

A collaboration led by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation is providing millions to U.S. medical schools to ensure that early-career faculty, particularly women, can balance the demands of family caregiving and biomedical research.

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Funding Basic Science Is the Name of the Game for This Affinity Group Leader

Funding Basic Science Is the Name of the Game for This Affinity Group Leader

Philanthropy is playing a bigger part in the funding landscape for basic science these days, and the Science Philanthropy Alliance exists to deepen that engagement. We hear from its new president, France A. Córdova.

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Three Years After His Death, a Gift from Paul Allen's Estate Is Backing Leading-Edge Cancer Research

Three Years After His Death, a Gift from Paul Allen's Estate Is Backing Leading-Edge Cancer Research

Shortly after his passing, Paul Allen’s estate made a $20 million gift to Swedish Health Services, where Allen received care during his battle with lymphoma. That gift is now funding a promising new approach to cancer treatment.

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As the COVID Fight Continues, Who’s Funding Surveillance for the Next Biological Threat?

As the COVID Fight Continues, Who’s Funding Surveillance for the Next Biological Threat?

COVID-19 was a wake-up call to the world that we are insufficiently prepared to identify and stop emerging diseases. It’s a niche cause in philanthropy, but here are a few funders backing early warning systems.

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How a Unique Biotech Company Partners With Charities to Find Cures for Rare Diseases

How a Unique Biotech Company Partners With Charities to Find Cures for Rare Diseases

Rarebase is a public benefit corporation that uses genomics to identify treatments for rare diseases. The firm’s unique model relies on small foundations and patient advocacy groups to acquire funds and patient data.

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Five(ish) Questions for Jennifer Rainin, CEO of Arts and Education Funder the Rainin Foundation

Five(ish) Questions for Jennifer Rainin, CEO of Arts and Education Funder the Rainin Foundation

Jennifer Rainin is CEO of the Bay Area-based Rainin Foundation, a funder to watch that supports early ed, arts and medical research. We talked to the artist and former teacher about her foundation and career in philanthropy.

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